35th A.U.C (Reserve Officer Cadets) SMA COURSE
April – August 1964
A Tale of the Future


We learned about the “On Vibram Tiptoes” (In Punta di Vibram) project when the book had already been printed. This is why that beautiful anthology contains no account of our course. So we are very happy to accept the invitation later made by the Editorial Office to tell you about this Tale of the Future which is made of many Episodes, each of them representing a piece of the story of our activities in favor of children in Uganda.


The 35th A.U.C. (Reserve Officer Cadets) Course was held at the Aosta Alpine Military School, at the Chiarle Barracks under the guidance of Captain Mauro Spreafico. The Platoon of Fusiliers was also molded through the indefatigable engagement of Second Lieutenant Massimo Guandalini (33rd Course).

Il 35° Corso AUCSince discharge in July 1965, the Reserve Officer Cadets have met annually every first week-end of October in various Italian cities. In 1969 Massimo Guandalini started to join the meetings and has never stopped - nobody really knows if in search of the glory for so much teaching effort or if seeking forgiveness for his excessive zeal in carrying out his previous duties.




--> A Tale of the Future
Episode 1 (year 2003)
Episode 2 (years 2004-2005)
Episode 3 (years 2005-2006)
Episode 4 (years 2006-2007)
Six-years plan for 2008-2013
Episode 5 (years 2007-2008)
Episode 6 (year 2009)

Episode 7 (year 2010)

How to join our Program

Summer 2006: travel notes and photos of "Guanda"
28th February - 8th March 2007: travel notes and photos of "Guanda" and Doro Berera (35°)
November 2007 - travel notes of "Guanda"

Back to index of "On Vibram Tiptoes"


Versione in Italiano